Due to and amount of change and uncertainty during the current COVID-19 crisis regular communication with employees is important from a business perspective and also to support employees’ wellbeing.

It is important to be honest with employees about your business.

It is also imperative to understand employee’s individual circumstances and how / when they can return to work and how any additional time off will be taken e.g. unpaid leave, time off for dependants etc.

Maintain contact with any employees on maternity leave etc. regarding any significant changes in the business and to see if they have any update regarding their planned return date.

Supporting employees will be good for their wellbeing.


Employers may need to consult employees individually or collectively if they plan any significant workplace changes e.g. change in work location, permanent hours of work etc.  Also consult employees regarding Health and Safety.

SYLO | Beyond HR offer Integrated Covid-19 support

Useful links:

CIPD – Guide to Returning to the Workplace

CIPD – FAQ’s – Returning to the Workplace

Gov.Uk Guide for mental health and wellbeing aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic



If you require further information on any of the information above please email us.

SYLO | Beyond HR have the experience available to support Your People and Your Business through this challenging time and into the future.