Welcome to our Blogs.
We have a great team of experts at SYLO | Beyond HR. Our blogs tap into that expertise and so cover a wide range of subjects packed with insight and experience. We hope you enjoy them.
So, where am I going with this? Well, here’s the problem. We have now had over six months of separation and, whilst we are getting some normality back in our lives, it is by no means “normal”.
I’ve noticed a real change in people’s feedback about Working From Home (WFH). Gone are the comments about home schooling (the holidays are here!) or the freedom that WFH brings.
Due to and amount of change and uncertainty during the current Covid-19 crisis regular communication with employees is important from a business perspective and also to support employees’ wellbeing.
Flexible working has long been viewed as the domain of working Mums returning to work, wanting to balance childcare with earning money and still being around for their children.
So, cards on the table, times are hard. It seems almost everyone you speak to is either furloughed or working reduced hours. The future is unsure. However, there are some predictions we can make.
Well, this is an interesting place we find ourselves in. At the beginning of the year, the majority of us communicated whilst together or via the phone or email.
This is the latest information released by the Government giving further details of the furlough scheme changes. Also included is the details of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.
It’s been a busy few weeks with the Government’s announcement of the return back to work and updated guidance to the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme (CJRS) and detailed below are some of the key changes.
In light of the current circumstances we are working in, we are frequently being asked what does the law say in relation to managing home workers and ensuring their safety when using Display Screen Equipment (DSE).